The mechanisation of agriculture is
probably the most important result of
the industrial revolution, with
advancements in technology taking a
huge leap forward in the last fifty
years or so. Today machinery has been
developed to carry out every task
possible on the modern farm.
This two part programme uses footage
taken over the last five years to show
the widest possible variety of tractors
and machinery at work out in the fields
of Britain as the as the seasons pass
from winter through spring, summer,
autumn and back to winter again.
This, the second part of the story
takes us from silage making in June to
ploughing in December. Other machinery
seen in action includes various combine
harvesters, pea harvesters,
cultivators, ploughs, drills, manure
spreaders, potato harvesters, maize
chopper and sugar beet harvesters to
name just a few.
All this plus loads of modern tractors
at work along with materials handlers
and also some older classic kit which
proves that farming today is not all
shiny metal and high horsepower!
Join us for an all out action adventure
as farm machinery comes to life through
the year!