Traditional Scottish liveries have
long featured combinations of tartans,
thistles, stags, piper and monograms
on a strong background colour.
Bonnie Scottish Trucks brings together
231 high quality photos of trucks
operated by past and present Scottish
companies, small firms and owner
drivers who have used their vehicles
as a means of attracting the eye of
potential customers and as a matter of
pride in the presentation of their
business. To emphasise the ownership
and purpose of the vehicle, the user’s
name is emblazoned on the front and
sides in shade lettering leaving the
onlooker in no doubt. Although not
exclusive to Scotland, this treatment
seems to have been more prolific and
has stood the test of time in
The beautiful vehicles featured in
this book were spotted by author, Bill
Reid around the country, in towns, in
cattle markets, on the road, and
anywhere else trucks or lorries can be
found. This striking collection will
appeal to drivers, road transport
enthusiasts and in particular those
with an interest in vintage commercial
Bill Reid was a civil servant before
becoming a police officer in 1967. He
trained as a police driving
instructing and after 30 years in the
police service, he carried on as a
civilian police driving instructor
until 2013 when he retired. He has had
a lifelong interest in transport,
having been brought up among lorries
in Ayrshire and holds LGV and PCV
licences. He is the organiser of a
small local transport enthusiast club
and co-organiser of the annual
Ayrshire Road Run for vintage and
classic commercials.
- 122 Pages
- Colour Photographs Throughout
- Hardback book
- 270 mm x 215mm